Mental Health and Well-Being Stories

The University of Iowa aims to create a sustainable culture of holistic well-being and success. Discover people and perspectives that help us care for ourselves and each other as we integrate study, work, and life. For additional articles on mental health and well-being, read University Counseling Service's news.

A face covered in post-it notes

Keeping Healthy at Work

Thursday, October 19, 2023
Many organizations and professionals are now coming to terms with burnout as a real occupational risk. Learn about 4 strategies that can be effective in staving off burnout.
paper chain in the shape of people

From Self-Care to Community Care

Monday, October 16, 2023
Encouraging self-care among individuals is admirable, and it's crucial to recognize that self-care, in isolation, can often remain an aspiration rather than a consistent practice. It's in the embrace of community care that self-care becomes sustainable and transformative.
A person leaning over a table with their head in their hands

Making Space for Emotions at Work

Tuesday, October 10, 2023
Making space for all emotions, including those we don’t want, is essential to our well-being. This can be especially challenging at work, where we sometimes feel we shouldn’t have emotions at all. Learn how engaging in your emotions at work can benefit your total-body wellness.
Trees with green leaves

From Either/Or to Both/And

Tuesday, October 3, 2023
A both/and perspective offers a more flexible approach to living and working in complex environments. Living in the both/and means multiple truths can exist at the same time, multiple outcomes are possible, and another person’s experiences are as valid as yours.
Two children playing, wearing capes

Facing a Medical Challenge? You Don’t Need to Be a Superhero

Monday, September 25, 2023
What does it mean when you are faced with an unexpected medical diagnosis from a practical sense? It might mean that your body needs to tolerate surgery, medications, side effects, or anxiety, resulting in changes to your daily habits and abilities.
People's hands on a conference table.

Facing Disagreement Without Trying to Fix It

Friday, September 15, 2023
Despite best intentions, our conversations often go awry when our ideas are questioned, we feel like we are under attack, and, out of habit, we protect ourselves by rushing to resolve the conflict. However, not all conflict needs a solution and sometimes its better if it doesn't.
Street signs at an intersection.

Tipping Points in Job and Career Transitions

Tuesday, September 12, 2023
Does the track you are on help you to achieve your personal and professional goals? If you feel like you are off track, it may be time to realign and recommit to moving toward what is important to you.
Backs of students' heads as they face a teacher in the classroom.

Students in Distress

Tuesday, August 29, 2023
When talking to students in distress, we are more effective when we are active listeners. It is a path of less responsibility and greater effectiveness when we use active listening rather than the more commonly used approach of attempting to fix, make better, or solve.
People running and biking on a paved trail lined with trees

Fitness and Mental Health

Friday, April 28, 2023
I am about to tell you something you probably already know: Exercise is good for your mental health. Whether you have been an avid exerciser for years, currently exercise, or have exercised in the past, your body rewarded you with the hormones that improve your sense of well-being and mood.
A cairn of piled stones on a beach, the tide in the background.

Performance Enhancement for the Workplace

Tuesday, April 25, 2023
Being mindful gives you more control over your behavior, reduces your emotional suffering, increases your sense of well-being, helps you make important decisions, makes you more effective and productive, and increases your compassion for self and others.