Articles from October 2024
The University of Iowa aims to create a sustainable culture of holistic well-being and success. Discover people and perspectives that help us care for ourselves and each other as we integrate study, work, and life. For additional articles on mental health and well-being, read University Counseling Service's news.
Finding Meaning in Work
Tuesday, October 29, 2024
In my role as a professor in the Tippie College of Business, I study people who experience high levels of meaningfulness in their jobs. Their work is well aligned with their purpose in life and they cannot imagine doing anything else. But is meaningful work reserved for only a few select professions? Or can we all find meaning in our work?
I Don’t Like You, But I Can Be Professional with You
Monday, October 21, 2024
It is Sunday night and the butterflies in your belly start to flutter — not from excitement but because you realize you have to go to work tomorrow. You love your job, but there is a person you work with who you just don’t like, and because of that, conflict seems to always show its face. What’s the answer to, “How do I work with someone that I don’t like?”
Be Kinder to Yourself: The Power of Practicing Self-Compassion
Wednesday, October 16, 2024
Self-compassion is treating yourself with kindness, care, and respect. It is the practice of being mindful of your feelings and taking action by showing yourself kindness and shared humanity, particularly when you are experiencing uncomfortable feelings such as failure, shame, inadequacy, or guilt.
Put Down That Baby – It’s Hazardous to Your Health!
Monday, October 7, 2024
You’ve probably seen the U.S. surgeon general’s warning labels on cigarettes and alcohol detailing the health threats posed by smoking and drinking. The most recent advisory is raising eyebrows: it warns of the hazards of parenting, indicating that 33% of parents report high levels of stress compared to 20% of non-parenting adults.
Staying Connected for Good Mental and Physical Health
Tuesday, October 1, 2024
The World Health Organization defines health as a state of complete well-being, not just the absence of disease. This simple statement prompts us to think about the many facets of health, such as mental, social, spiritual, and community domains, and how social connection is key to maintaining good health in all facets.