Mental Health and Well-Being Stories

The University of Iowa aims to create a sustainable culture of holistic well-being and success. Discover people and perspectives that help us care for ourselves and each other as we integrate study, work, and life.

Inside view of an art gallery

The Role of Art Appreciation for Mindfulness

Tuesday, March 19, 2024
There is so much beauty in the world. There is joy in seeing drawings on patient doors, artwork created by patient’s siblings and school mates displayed on hospital room walls, a hug of comfort between family members who are navigating a complex hospital admission together. The more we are able to find beauty around us, the more we have opportunities for mindful consideration.
Business leaders around a table

Rethinking the ‘Real World’ in Higher Ed

Monday, March 4, 2024
The phrase “real world” is often used to refer to the “professional” world, “adult” world, or life after graduation. But what do we really mean by it? And is this characterization truly beneficial for students?
Scrabble tiles spelling out "Wisdom"

Masquerading Wisdom

Monday, February 26, 2024
It is important to use our critical thinking skills and sometimes doubt another individual’s motivations. However, having no hope that someone’s motivation may be nuanced, or that good may still come from it, can cause us to shut them out and turn us into cynics.
Students wearing winter coats and hats walking outside

Deconstructing the Campus Mental Health Crisis Narrative

Tuesday, February 20, 2024
Now more than ever, campus mental health is dominated by the narrative of a crisis, painted as a dire picture of never-ending anxiety and depression among students, staff, and faculty. We now have opportunity to deconstruct the singular “crisis” narrative and consider more complex and nuanced understandings of campus mental health.
Chalk drawing on the ground

Turning Compassion Inward

Tuesday, February 13, 2024
Compassion involves recognizing and turning toward another’s pain, seeking to decrease their suffering by extending them kindness and care. Self-compassion is compassion turned inward. Self-compassion researcher Kristin Neff identifies its three components as self-kindness, common humanity, and mindfulness.
Brain on a stick

Including Neurodiversity in the Workplace

Monday, February 5, 2024
Workplace inclusion is not just about having neurodiverse members on staff, but also providing a sense of belonging. It’s about a company understanding that neurodiverse employees provide a wealth of skills and capabilities like anyone else.
Woman with her head resting in her hand

Navigating Work Disappointments: Embracing Growth Opportunities

Tuesday, January 23, 2024
Disappointment is as universal as death and taxes, and while it's inevitable, there are valuable opportunities for growth embedded in these challenging moments. Discover 5 strategies for navigating work disappointments and turning them into opportunities for self-improvement.
paper chain

Stigma in the Workplace

Monday, December 11, 2023
Stigma are negative and often unfair beliefs that people have about something. Stigma occurs when there is disapproval, discrimination, exclusion, or negative judgments about a person because of a characteristic, a circumstance, or a quality about that person. We can promote social inclusion of people who have qualities or characteristics that are stigmatized, one friendly gesture or friendship at a time. It is time to end stigma.
Two people dressed in professional clothing sitting at a table

Negotiation in the Workplace

Thursday, December 7, 2023
Negotiation may be helpful in resolving situations with your family, friends, etc. In the workplace, negotiation is a form of collaboration that can lead to a shared understanding of employee and employer needs and expectations, which can improve well-being and job satisfaction.
Dog with flower in mouth

Self-Soothing: Lessons from a Dog

Monday, November 27, 2023
Self-soothing is important when it comes to navigating daily stressors. Seeking out methods to help regulate emotional states by yourself can feel daunting, but with practice can be powerful. Now having navigated puppy teething, I can share a few things Finn has taught me.