Our Commitment to Well-Being

The University of Iowa is committed to embedding well-being and mental health into all aspects of campus culture. This includes providing the appropriate services and resources to all of the campus community, including undergraduate students, graduate and professional students, postdocs, faculty, staff, UI Health Care employees, and medical residents and fellows.

Mental Health and Resilience

Nutrition, Movement, and Physical Health

Relationships, Community, and Purpose

Basic Needs, Financial Security, and Personal Safety


Earthmind Workshop promotional image

Earthmind Workshop

Monday, February 10, 2025 5:00pm to 6:15pm
Iowa Memorial Union (IMU)
Earthmind is… Provided in a collaboration with Backyard Abundance, a local nonprofit organization Taught in four, 75-minute classes Taught in small groups Spring 2025 Workshop: Mondays, Feb. 10, 17, 24, March 2 in the IMU 343 Registration required. Space is limited; please only sign up if you can attend all four classes. Spring classes will tentatively include: Feb. 10 - Indoor Sensory Awareness (at the BBE Greenhouse!) Feb. 17 - Wild and Precious Gifts Feb. 24 - Animal...
Success, Not Excess promotional image

Success, Not Excess

Tuesday, February 11, 2025 4:00pm to 5:00pm
Supporting Students Desiring a Change Success, Not Excess provides a small, safe and supportive space for UI students wanting to make or considering changes in their alcohol or other drug use. The group emphasizes success in academics, relationships, mental and physical health, and other goals through reducing alcohol and other drug use. Meetings are provided by the UI Collegiate Recovery Program. For more information, please visit our website. This is not a treatment group and will not...
Intro to Mindfulness Workshop for College Students promotional image

Intro to Mindfulness Workshop for College Students

Tuesday, February 11, 2025 7:00pm to 8:15pm
Iowa Memorial Union (IMU)
Intro to Mindfulness is an evidence-based curriculum specifically designed for teaching mindfulness, meditation, and stress management to college students and other young adults. The Intro to Mindfulness program… is taught in four weekly 75-minute classes (a brief model to accommodate busy student schedules) is structured with daily homework of a mindfulness log and 10 minutes of mindfulness practice is taught in small groups Register here: https://studentwellness.uiowa.edu/programs...
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Campus Updates and Opportunities

Flyer for Recovery Ally Training

Faculty/Staff Recovery Ally Training

Faculty and staff are invited to attend the Collegiate Recovery Program's next Recovery Ally Training. The training will help build the skills needed to support students wanting to make changes to their substance use. Lunch will be provided.

Click here to register

Man speaking to audience

Mental Health & Well-Being Workshops

The Higher Education Program in the Scanlan Center for School Mental Health is dedicated to staff and faculty mental health and well-being. Sign-up for one of the many in-person and asynchronous trainings and workshops offered to university departments or groups. 

Learn more about the training opportunities

Three faculty talk at a table

Faculty mentoring resources

A new faculty mentoring webpage has been created to enhance mentorship for faculty across all tracks and ranks on campus. This resource aims to connect faculty with evidence-based mentoring best practices and tools to expand personal mentor networks.

Check out the new website