Nicole Del Castillo, MD, MPH

Authored by Nicole Del Castillo, MD, MPH

How Gratitude Promotes Inclusivity

Tuesday, November 15, 2022
Gratitude is a sense of appreciation an individual has for the goodness in their lives, both within and outside of themselves. Expressing gratitude helps improve human connection, which is an essential part of inclusion. Like gratitude, inclusivity is associated with positive emotions, decreased stress, increased sense of well-being, strengthened interpersonal relationships, and improved workplace climate and performance. The objective of inclusion is for an individual to be respected, valued, and supported. Inclusion encourages connection that can be fulfilled through acts of gratitude.

What is gratitude?

Tuesday, November 9, 2021
You can practice gratitude to help change your perspective, provide hope, and protect your mental and emotional well-being. Gratitude is a sense of appreciation of what you have and for the goodness that is in your life, both within and outside of yourself. Gratitude is often a reflection of an emotional response from an occurrence that made a difference in your life.
Nicole Del Castillo