The Food Pantry at Iowa provides free nutritious food and basic necessities for University of Iowa students, graduate and professional students, postdocs, staff, and faculty. Items available at the pantry may include: fresh produce, protein, beans, pasta, canned fruits/vegetables, soup, breakfast items, snacks, and toiletries. Bring your own bag. Hours fluctuate – check the Food Pantry website for the current schedule.

The Food Pantry shares its space with the Clothing Closet, which provides access to quality, new or used, professional clothing at no cost.

Additional basic needs resources can be found in the Division of Student Life online directory. Food insecurity, child care, health and wellness, mental health, and others are examples of resources you'll find in the directory.


No cost


Open to anyone with a university ID card

Entrance to the food pantry


Phone: 319-335-1162
Campus Address: G200 IMU

Go to Food Pantry Website